Transition Expo 2022


Published 11 September 2022


Our stall was quite busy throughout the day, with our community engagement team listening to young people and their whānau talk about some of their plans for the future and ask how we can support them in reaching their goals.

About 50% of the people we support are below 18 years old. Our unique role in our community means we develop an enduring relationship with young individuals across the life course, and have a deeper understanding of people’s needs, challenges and aspirations.

It’s important for school leavers to engage with us, the school, other providers or agencies to ensure foundations are in place to prepare young people into adulthood. Sometimes we provide more intensive planning for young people and whānau who need alternative support options they value and find useful.

We’re committed to treat young people and their whānau as experts on their unique situations, to encourage families to draw on their strengths, and connect tāngata whaikaha to resources in the community to ensure positive long-term outcomes.

At the expo, we also had the opportunity to meet other organisations that support people and to listen to an empowering speech from the newly inducted CEO of Whaikaha Ministry of Disabled People, Paula Tesoriero. Looking forward to doing this again next year! 

Have a kōrero/talk with our Support Coordinator or email us at to find out more how we can support young people as they transition to adulthood.