Waiheke disability community hui 29 Oct


Published 11 October 2022


Saturday 29 October
at Waiheke Resources Trust Building, Mako Street, Oneroa 9.30am - 2pm

People with disabilities who live in remote areas tend to experience more challenges than their counterparts in urban areas. They have less access to school supports, employment opportunities, vibrant social life, mobile phone/internet, and are less likely to be attended by a skilled health worker. Similarly, they are often left behind in rural development interventions.

Disabled people/tāngata whaikaha on the island and their families are encouraged to come, as well everyone who touch their lives like teachers/schools, employers, disability and non-disability providers/services, business owners and others. 

The hui will be a brilliant way to learn what's happening for individuals on the island and their loved ones. 

The event will be catered and the location is on the bus route, so please do come. 

For more information, email info@taikura.org.nz with subject line "Waiheke hui" or call us on freephone 0800 824 5872.