Live Facebook event for the disability community: What's concerning you most about getting the COVID-19 vaccine?


Published 29 November 2021


Some people with disabilities have medical conditions that need continuous medical care. This could make people feel concerned about how the COVID-19 vaccine will affect them and the medicines they are currently taking. Some families or carers are also concerned about how the vaccine will affect the young people they look after. These are all very good questions and need expert advice from reliable sources like doctors or specialists who have dedicated their lives understanding vaccines. 

A live Facebook event dedicated to answering our community's questions is being organised by the Ministry of Health. It will take place in December and you're invited to send all questions you might have about the vaccine by 1 December 2021, so you can make an informed vaccination decision.

The event will include a panel focused on answering questions about:

  • Interactions of medications and vaccine
  • Side effects of vaccination for your condition/impairment/disability
  • Issues around access to getting a vaccine (accessible vaccination centres, transport availability and home vaccinations)
  • Any stories you've heard that is making you hesitant about getting the vaccine.

Please email us your feedback by Wednesday 1 December at and watch this space for the confirmed date when the live Facebook session will take place.